Casamigos tequila is a world-renowned tequila brand founded by George Clooney, Mike Meldman, and Rande Gerber. It falls under the “tequila gringo” category, as the founders aren’t Mexican natives.
It is an interesting conception story, as it all began when the founders started spending more time at each other’s houses and shared more than a few meals together. They were all big tequila fans and often combined their food with tequila.
They were searching for a tequila that would complement their food, and so they came up with the idea to start the Casamigos brand. The name itself is a compound of the Spanish words “casa,” which means “house,” and “amigos,” which means “friends.”
What the three founders wanted to achieve was to create a tequila that is so flavorful and easy to drink you can have it with food and make it a part of your day.
In English, the word “Casamigos” roughly translates as “friends who visit their houses.” Since its initial launch in 2012, the brand has skyrocketed and become world-famous.
They also wanted to bring camaraderie closer to their consumers, so they created a premium-quality drink for affordable prices. Today, the Casamigos tequila is a part of many households and bars enjoyed by many in the privacy of their homes or on a night out.
Still, as flavorful as Casamigos tequila is, it is still tequila, and no matter how much you love the flavor, you may not be too crazy about the sting.
Therefore, it is always a good idea to have an ace up your sleeve and know how to mix it to keep what you love about it and tone down what you don’t.
Also check: Casamigos Tequila Bottle Size & Price Guide
15 Ideal Mixers For Casamigos Tequila
First of all, mixing Casamigos tequila is not a complicated task, as the drink is very versatile and very flavorful, so it goes quickly with whatever you want. Casamigos tequila works great in cocktails as well as in regular two-ingredient mixers.
Moreover, tequila, as a drink, is easy to mix, with a variety of ingredients, depending on what you want to tone down and what you want to accentuate.
In any case, you will have no trouble mixing Casamigos tequila if you know exactly what you want to achieve by mixing it.
A seasoned tequila enthusiast would find it very easy and simple to mix Casamigos tequila, as they know exactly what they want the result to be.
However, a newbie needs a little help. In this article, I will give you a list of ingredients you can mix your Casamigos tequila with to enjoy each and every ounce of flavor.
1. Lime Juice
It is no secret how well tequila and lime juice go together. It is why a shot of tequila is so popularly paired with a lemon or lime slice afterward. The charm that Casamigos tequila and lime juice create together is beyond description.
You can pair any Casamigos variety with lime juice, but I recommend pairing the blanco variety as it is most expressively fruity and citrusy.
The reposado and anejo varieties also do great mixed with lime juice, but they also include other flavors you may not like mixing with lime.
Also check: What To Mix With Tequila?
2. Pineapple Juice
The rich, smooth, and creamy Casamigos anejo is perfect for mixing with pineapple juice. The slight tingle that pineapple juice creates on the palate, combined with the smokiness of the Casamigos anejo, produces an indescribably rich result.
In addition, the expressive blue agave flavor and the oaky notes of the anejo variety pair with the sweetness of the pineapple juice in were you cannot even imagine.
To top it all off, the consistency these two create is creamy, smooth, rich, and velvety, increasing the overall sweetness of the mix.
Also check: 15 Best Sodas to Mix with Tequila
3. Herbs and Spices
Adding some herbs and spices to our Casamigos glass is an excellent idea, especially if you decide on having Casamigos blanco.
The fresh taste of the blanco variety combined with the natural, herbal, and somewhat earthy tones of the herbs is a slam dunk, especially if you are a fan for the natural and of the edgy.
Sprinkle some herbs in your glass, maybe some black pepper too, and let the spices sit in the glass for about half an hour before you drink it. Another great idea is to add the herbs inside the bottle and make your own herb-infused Casamigos tequila.
This way, the herbs will have enough time to release the flavors and create a flavorful result.
4. Tomato Juice
If you find your Casamigos tequila too harsh, add some tomato juice to it to milden it down. Tomato juice can tone down overly harsh flavors and even give them sweetness and a slight tang. That’s why Bloody Mary tastes so good.
Mixing Casamigos blanco and tomato juice makes the famous Bloody Maria, the Mexican counterpart of Bloody Mary. If you like the edgier things in life, you will definitely love the mix of sweet, tangy, and slightly sour notes battling in your glass.
5. Sparkly Water
If you don’t know exactly what kind of taste you are after, it is always a good idea to go simple and not overdo it. Just sparkly water and a lemon wedge can get the job done if you aren’t feeling particularly creative.
Citrus notes and Casamigos tequila pair excellent, and the bubbles and fizziness of the sparkly water will tone done the drink’s sharpness.
6. Ginger Beer
Ginger beer is a very versatile and easy-to-mix drink going great with many spirits as well as in many cocktails. The beauty of ginger beer consists of its gentility and sweetness.
It is refreshing, natural-tasting, and slightly citrusy, and as such, it goes excellent with Casamigos tequila, as they share some of the flavor features.
Ginger beer goes with all three Casamigos varieties, but it fits particularly well with the reposado variety. Together they create a flavorful and refreshing combination.
7. Soda Water
If you don’t know what exactly you are looking for but you know that you want to bring the tequila down a notch, try mixing your Casamigos tequila with soda water.
The fizziness of the soda water will milden down the tequila’s sharpness, accentuating its flavor and adding even slight sweetness to the drink.
You can mix any Casamigos variety with soda water, but I don’t recommend doing it with the blanco variety as it may become even sharper than it already is.
Even though the Casamigos blanco is not as aggressive as the blanco varieties of some other tequila brands, it still isn’t that mild.
8. Olive Brine
Mixing any alcohol with olive brine sounds a little odd, but it does work with some of them. Casamigos tequila is one of those spirits that combines really well with olive brine.
Just a few drops of olive brine can give your glass of Casamigos tequila a whole different dimension.
I recommend you mix it with the blanco variety, as you will be able to feel both the tequila flavor, as well as the olive brine saltiness and charm.
The reposado and anejo variety could also work with olive brine, but you may not like the result because of the smoky and oaky notes they have.
9. Apple Juice
The natural and herbal tones of the apple juice combine amazingly with the herbal, citrus, and agave notes of the Casamigos blanco.
The reposado matches the sweetness of the apple juice, while the smokiness, creaminess, and oakiness of the anejo variety go insanely well with the sourness of the apple juice.
Whichever variety you choose to mix with apple juice will create an experience you will definitely want to repeat.
10. Fruit Soda
Fruit soda and Casamigos tequila, whichever variety you like best, is a ridiculously simple mix, yet amazingly delicious. You can mix and match, experiment and discover a new realm of flavor and decide which one is the best for you.
The fizziness of the fruit soda, combined with the vibrant flavors of the drinks, will add some color and cheer to your tequila, creating a combination of tasting between fruit, tequila, and seltzer.
11. Pickles Brine
Though the blanco variety goes the least with pickles brine, it may surprise you with its mixture of contrasting flavor notes.
A few drops of pickles brine can make all the difference in the world if you want to edge up or glass of Casamigos tequila. It goes best with the anejo variety, but feel free to combine it with the reposado and blanco too.
12. Grapefruit Juice
Casamigos blanco and grapefruit juice is a match made in heaven. While you can mix the other two Casamigos varieties, reposado and anejo, with grapefruit juice, the blanco variety fits best into this combination.
The Citrusy notes and expressive agave notes of the blanco variety will charm you with their zest and edge, while the grapefruit juice will add sweetness and a tad of sourness to the combination, creating an irresistibly refreshing result.
13. Orange Juice
Orange juice and Casamigos tequila are the best of friends. Whether you select the blanco, reposado, or anejo Casamigos tequila variety, you will most certainly enjoy every ounce of flavor.
Rich and with high viscosity, the Casamigos tequila and orange juice combination creates an irresistibly refreshing and sweet flavor.
14. Jalapeno
A jalapeno-spiked Casamigos tequila is a right mix for you if you like hot, spicy, and edgy. It will give it a spicy, fresh, and crispy dimension, making the overall flavor even more exploratory.
Put a jalapeno in your glass, or better yet, in your Casamigos bottle, and let it do its magic.
Casamigos anejo goes best with jalapeno, as it is the smoothest and most flavorful variety of the Casamigos assortment. When you are done drinking, nibble on the tequila-soaked jalapeno and enjoy it some more.
15. Sweet Vermouth
Sweet vermouth is a very gentle drink, making it the perfect pair for the fiery tequila. However, Casamigos tequila is known and famous for being gentler and more flavorful than other tequilas, so combined with sweet vermouth, it gets a sweet and fruity dimension.
You will feel agave notes combined with vanilla and caramel, creating an irresistible flavor you will undoubtedly want more of. I recommend the Casamigos anejo variety for this combination.
What Is Casamigos Blanco Good With?
Tequila blanco is more frequently used for shots, so it doesn’t generally mix with anything. However, it is an excellent cocktail ingredient, and as such, you can mix it with orange, lime, or pineapple juice.
Grenadine, triple sec, orange liqueurs are also great options for Casamigos blanco. Flavored seltzers and beer are other great ideas to mix with Casamigos blanco, as well as tomato juice or brines.
Is Casamigos Good With Sprite?
Yes, Casamigos is excellent with Sprite. Sprite is a soda drink known for its mixing properties, so whatever you mix with sprite, chances are, it’s going to turn out well.
The bubbles from the sprite tone down the tequila’s aggressiveness, creating a milder and well-balanced flavor.
What Mixes Go Well With Tequila?
Tequila mixes great with citrus juices such as orange and lemon juice. It also goes great with pineapple and tomato juices.
Another thing tequila mixes excellently with are brines, as well as ginger beer or regular beer. Sodas and seltzers are also welcomed ingredients to mix with tequila.
How Do You Serve Casamigos?
Because Casamigos is known for the eating tequila, you can always serve it with food. Its fragrance and flavor make it ideal for sipping slowly.
Get a glass with a wide rim and pour yourself two fingers of Casamigos tequila. You can add ice, but you don’t have to. Let it breathe for a few minutes and sip it slowly.
Shots are also an option with Casamigos tequila.